Thursday, May 20, 2010

Taking It One Room at a Time

Sometimes the toughest part of doing the right thing is knowing where to start. How about one room at a time? The Federal Trade Commission has come up with a simple website, no flashy graphics or advertisements, just sound straightforward advice on how to improve energy use in your home room by room.

Friday, May 7, 2010

House passes HomeSTAR bill! More jobs and less energy waste coming soon!

Rebate programs like HomeSTAR make a big difference in how many households make energy efficient improvements. Not only are these retrofits good investments (see graph at right, courtesty of, they are job engines, ecomonic turbo boosters, and major players in carbon reduction. With strong bi-partisan support, its seems HomeSTAR is charging onward to change the market for energy efficiency in our country. We couldn't be happier to cheer it on!