Thursday, September 12, 2013

Refer a friend, get $25!

Did you have a great experience with the CEC? Want to earn $25 by giving your friends a chance to save energy and increase their home's value? Here's how!

To refer a friend, you must have had a residential audit through the CEC.

Step 1:
Talk to your friends in Whatcom, Skagit, or Island County and find out who is interested in a CEC home energy audit. Make sure to tell them about how your home is warmer and more comfortable, how your bills are lower, and how affordable the project was!

Step 2:
Have your friend call the CEC at 360-676-6099 (toll free at 866-444-5028) to get scheduled for an audit. Be sure to have them mention that you are the one who referred them (we will also be sure to ask).

Step 3:  
Once your friend has  had the audit, the CEC will mail you $25 for each friend that signs up!

You may refer as many friends as you like. Share the energy-saving love!

Criteria: To refer a friend, you must have had a residential CEC audit. CEC home energy audits are available to homeowners in Whatcom, Skagit, and Island Counties.  Employees of CEC partner organizations are not eligible for this promotion.

Refer a friend, get $25!

Did you have a great experience with the CEC? Want to earn $25 by giving your friends a chance to save energy and increase their home's value? Here's how!

To refer a friend, you must have had a residential audit through the CEC.

Step 1:
Talk to your friends in Whatcom, Skagit, San Juan or Island County and find out who is interested in a CEC home energy audit. Make sure to tell them about how your home is warmer and more comfortable, how your bills are lower, and how affordable the project was!

Step 2:
Have your friend call the CEC at 360-676-6099 (toll free at 866-444-5028) to get scheduled for an audit. Be sure to have them mention that you are the one who referred them (we will also be sure to ask).

Step 3:  
Once your friend has  had the audit, the CEC will mail you $25 for each friend that signs up!

You may refer as many friends as you like. Share the energy-saving love!

Criteria: To refer a friend, you must have had a residential CEC audit. CEC home energy audits are available to homeowners in Whatcom, Skagit, San Juan, and Island Counties.  Employees of CEC partner organizations are not eligible for this promotion.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Large solar project in Downtown Bellingham highlights innovative landlord and neighborhood cooporation

When local property owner John Blethen built six live/work condos in downtown Bellingham six years ago, he knew that solar power was a smart choice for the neighborhood. He had the condos, which feature commercial space on the bottom floor and a living space for the proprietor on the top floor, built using the current best solar-ready construction practices in anticipation of the eventual installation of solar arrays on each of the six roofs. That meant positioning the angled roofs to capture the maximum solar potential and selecting a roofing material that made the mounting system really easy. The units were also wired for solar at the time they were built to drastically minimize the electrical work required at installation. The only missing piece of the puzzle was that actually installing the solar panels on the unoccupied condos didn’t quite make financial sense. Yet.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

And the RCMmy for Database Management goes to...

Last Wednesday, part of the CEC Commercial Conservation Services team ventured down to PSE headquarters in Bellevue, WA, for the annual RCM meeting. RCMs are Resource Conservation Managers, energy management professionals that work with school districts, government agencies and commercial or industrial customers, to help them reduce energy and resource use and cut costs.

Although RCMs generally focus on managing a single larger customer, the CEC’s Commercial Conservation Services team has its own RCM, Martin Selch, to help the 230+ businesses participating in the Community Energy Challenge  get the support and expertise they need to cut back on energy use. In general, the RCM approach has mostly overlooked the small business sector because the savings per business can be relatively minor and it is hard to justify a dedicated employee to manage their energy use. The CEC decided to take an innovative approach in applying the RCM model to a large group of small businesses to attempt to achieve aggregate savings on par with the savings that a large institution, such as a university, achieves when it adopts a comprehensive energy saving strategy.

For a bit of fun, at every annual RCM meeting PSE awards the RCMmys (R.C. Emmy, get it?), a shiny gold trophy to recognize and reward those RCMs who have performed admirably in a variety of categories. In 2011 the Community Energy Challenge’s Martin Selch was awarded the RCMmy for best Facility Action Plan, and this year we were proud to take home the 2013 RCMmy for Database Management. The trophy is now sitting proudly on our database manager, Nancy Orlowski’s, desk. Rock on, Nancy!

“Here to present the 2013 RCMmy for Excellence in Database Management is someone who knows data better than I know my own mother, Vince Kammeyer, Senior Business Support Analyst on PSE’s Building Performance Team.”

“Data management is second nature to me.  I see .csv files and tabular columns of random numbers in my sleep. If you think you have what it takes to win in this category, then you probably do. Pay attention to that data, because it wants to be your friend!  Without further ado, I am pleased to announce this year’s nominees.” 

“The SC team are excellent at communicating UM adds for new sites & accounts, and completing UM maintenance tasks accurately.  They also let me know when sites/accounts/meters are no longer needed for UM & EIS, and they are super-nice & fun to work with!”