Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Overestimating the Light Switch, Underestimating the Insulation

Think you know what saves the most energy? Chances are...you dont. A recent study shows that the majority of Americans perceive behavioral conservation efforts (shutting of lights, drying clothes on a line) as more impactful than they are in reality, and grossly underestimate the potential savings of one-time investments in energy efficiency (such as insulation and air sealing). These misconceptions about energy efficiency lead many to postpone the efficiency measures that will save them the most (while improving their comfort and home value) and remain perplexed when their dedication to 5 minute showers doesnt seem to make a big dent in their energy bills. We need both, conservation and efficiency, to successfully reduce energy use, and the latter needs a little promotional help. Only when we understand what efficiency measures will be most effective can we go from taking baby steps toward making major strides. By serving as an energy concierge, that's exactly what the Community Energy Challenge seeks to do.

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