Tuesday, September 18, 2012

National solar tour kicks off in Bellingham, and the CEC will be there

The tour will kick off at Itek Energy and the Community Energy Challenge will be there. Come down and see us and learn more about solar technology and how it can work for you. Itek provided us with this information about the event:

On October 6th the American Solar Energy Society’s (ASES) national solar tour is coming to Bellingham.  Bringing together installers, manufactures and system owners alike the Bellingham solar tour is your chance to explore the potential of solar energy here in the Northwest. Starting the day’s festivities at 9 am will be an opportunity to tour the facility of Bellingham’s newest addition to the renewable industry by walking around Itek Energy solar panel manufacturing plant. Join us for some coffee and a bit to eat while exploring the process of solar manufacturing. You will also have an opportunity to meet with local installers, Ecotech, Western Solar and Advanced Solar Energy LLC, as well as other energy efficiency professionals and representatives from the Community Energy Challenge, a local program that helps home and business owners access financial incentives and low-interest loans for energy efficiency projects, including solar. After discussing potential sites with local installers attendees will then have the opportunity to travel to the individual sites around Bellingham and discuss with system owners how solar has worked for them until 4 pm. With sites ranging from the North Fork Brewery to the Bellingham Coop, the adaptability and diversity of solar will be a highlight of this year’s tour. For more information regarding this year’s Bellingham tour, feel free to visit http://solarwa.org/2012tour/sites/bellingham.


  1. When planning to install your home solar energy system, consult American solar direct inc. They could help you plan and strategically install your system that suits your choice.

  2. Solar energy is a good idea for installation in home or industries base. Solar power is the conversion of sunlight into electricity, either directly using photovoltaics, or indirectly using concentrated solar power.

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