Friday, September 28, 2012

Incentives available for residential (and commercial) solar projects!

Incentives for residential solar projects are once again part of the many tools offered to CEC homeowners to make becoming energy efficient even easier and more affordable. Any home that has had an energy assessment and has completed all of the recommended weatherization measures in Tier 1-3 is eligible for cash incentives to install solar panels with one of the CEC's vetted local solar installers. Approved projects will receive $1/watt up to $3,000 total for the project.

The CEC also continues to offer a low-interest rate financing opportunity through Banner Bank. In many cases energy savings and incentives can cover the loan payment, making this an attractive way to finance a solar project.

If you are interested in installing solar panels on your home or business, or would like more information, contact the Community Energy Challenge at 360-676-6099.


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